Saturday, December 7, 2013

Done With Grad-school!

One year, three months and fifteen days! That's how long it took me to get my MBA. That's a long time, I think... but a fast-track considering the degree which usually takes about two years. Whatever it be, I am done with school for now.
There are people here mostly Nepalese who have never seen me before and they ask me if I just came this August or so. I used to tell them I came last August and I will be done in December. Then they used to follow up with another question, "Are you exchange/transfer student?" Hah, no! I don't have to answer those questions any more. This MBA is one of the major write off from my bucket list!

Did I say that they announced my name wrong when I walked down the stage to receive my degree? Ah, whatever. Interestingly I am the first international student to get an MBA from University of Wyoming. Hope they will remember me for that. And I am grateful to them for having this wonderful bunch of people as my classmates, my friends. I don't usually forget anything... but even if I was forgetful, I wouldn't have forgotten them... I mean how can anyone forget friends like these?
Post script: I am not sure when I will go to school again or what I plan to study next if I eventually decide to... maybe Finance, Economics or even International Relations... I got no clue as of today... but for a while I am a free man. My brother always said, once you are done with your MBA study something that you like to, that you are interested in... I hope I can find something soon. I am thankful to my family and friends for being able to make it here today! Dhanyabaad! Thank you God!

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